Building a Dementia- Friendly Community
In Singapore, the number of people to suffer from dementia is rojected to increase to 152,000 by 2030. While dementia may not be cured, it is hopeful to slow down the deterioration by actively supporting and engaging your loved one’s mind with hands-on and cognitive activities.
As we prepare to build a dementia-friendly community, it is important for us to bring more awareness to dementia and break the associated stereotypes. It is not the end when one has dementia! More can be done to support persons enjoy life and continue maximising on what they still can do and like to do.
94% Care giver satisfaction in 2020
89% Seniors at our Day Care maintained their cognitive ability in the last 6 months.
100% Care goals achievement rate
1 in 10 Singaporeans 60 years and above have dementia
Almost half of Dementia Cases in Singapore are Vascular Dementia
$S2.8 Billion estimated spent on Dementia in Singapore